Philomena A. Ojomo, PhD

Business Editor

Dr. Philomena Aku OJOMO, a Senior Lecturer, teaches Philosophy at the Lagos State University (LASU), Nigeria.

Ojomo earned her Ph.D. in Philosophy from the University of Lagos (UNILAG), Nigeria in 2016. She is a specialist in environmental ethics.

Her research interests are in theoretical ethics, applied ethics, environmental ethics, philosophy of education, and social philosophy. She has published in local and international outlets.

Ojomo is an ecosocialist and the author of a well-discussed paper in African Environmental Ethics titled “Environmental Ethics: An African Understanding” published by Thought and Practice in 2010 and African Journal of Environmental Science in 2011.

Ojomo was the Managing Editor of LASU Journal of Philosophy (LAJOP) and is now the Business Editor of LAJOP. She emerged as the first Vice President of the African Environmental Ethics Association (AEEA).